Vulval cancer: What is vulval cancer and are vaginas and vulvas the same?
Read MoreI would have no qualms about asking for a tampon or pad.. However, for some strange reason- I felt this immense awkwardness approaching the middle aged man at the concierge desk.
Read MorePublic toilets are unfairly sexed in an overlooked but fundamental way, in so much as their design and provisions are essentially “male
Read MoreLittle leak, mini wee, sneeze pee, escapee (our personal favourite). If you’ve experienced it, you’ll know what any of them are referring to. And you’re by no means alone. An estimated 40%[i] of all women in the UK experience stress incontinence, with 45% of these women in the 25-44 age bracket[ii]. What’s more, studies have also shown that millions of women’s lives are negatively affected it, avoiding activities such as sports, travelling, socializing, and sex.
Read MoreWe rely on language to communicate our subjective felt experiences of illness and pain, however, we rarely consider how the language we use could negatively impact our diagnosis. Yet for doctors, who see hundreds of patients a week, the variety of ways in which people describe pain poses a very real barrier towards effective treatment. Not only do people describe similar sensations differently, but also doctors come to their practice with their own language biases and conventions.
Read MoreAs we become an ever aging global population, more and more women around us will be experiencing menopause. Suffering from a myriad of symptoms, and often being dismissed by health professionals who send them away with nothing but an antidepressant.
And it is not just them that suffer.What about their partners, their children, their workplaces?
women in sport have had to find alternative ways to cope with their natural cycles; from wearing undershorts to prevent leaks to medical interventions such as taking blood-clotting medication to lessen flow and anti-inflammatories for pain. Yet, these solutions are not suitable for everyone and, more significantly, they do not address the underlying lack of awareness that permeates the sports industry.
Read MorePeriods and incontinence products have traditionally been separated into two categories, suggesting that consumers should be buying different pads for different purposes at different times. But often bladder leakages and periods coexist, so not only is this two-pad system impractical it is also expensive, unnecessarily complicated, and time consuming. Wouldn’t it be far more efficient and convenient if there was one pad that could handle everything?
Read MoreAbout a third of us will experience bladder weakness at some point in our lives, with women twice as likely to do so from a younger age due to pregnancy and childbirth.
And yet bladder weakness is dismissed or ignored due to embarrassment and ignorance.
Read MoreFreda’s Cycle period inclusivity campaign was shortlisted in the Creative Strategy section of Cannes Lions 2021. It was shortlisted out of 677 pieces initially entered into the Creative Strategy category which celebrate “how strategic planning can redefine a brand, reinvent [its] business, and influence consumers or wider culture”.