Introducing Bladder Care from Freda

We are pleased to introduce a new product to our range, our Scandi-made Bladder Care Pads – for when you need your pad to work that little bit harder.

Many of us will experience some stress incontinence , sensitive bladder, or bladder weakness during our lives. In fact, an estimated one third of women in the UK suffer from stress urinary incontinence, which is when a small amount of pee escapes the bladder during physical exertion, such as running, laughing, sneezing, or the old classic jumping on a trampoline. Stress urinary incontinence can be caused by pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, certain health conditions, or as a side effect of medication. However, whatever the cause, incontinence can lead to feelings of discomfort and embarrassment, and often forces people to limit their activities thus impacting their mental and physical wellbeing. However, there is no good reason for this to be the case. Freda has always aimed to provide our customers with quality products that keep them feeling dry and confident during their periods, and now we are able to extend that promise to your bladder care.

Typically, the industry has separated periods and incontinence products into two categories, suggesting that consumers should be buying different pads for different purposes at different times. But often bladder leakages and periods coexist, so not only is this two-pad system impractical it is also expensive, unnecessarily complicated, and time consuming. Wouldn’t it be far more efficient and convenient if there was one pad that could handle everything?

That’s why we’ve introduced our multi-purpose Bladder Care pad – think of it as our all-rounder. The one difficulty with creating this type of product is that menstrual blood leaves the body at a much slower rate than urine. Subsequently a pad that can handle both must have enhanced absorption capacity and absorption speed to prevent leaks and irritation to the skin caused by dampness, and to trap and eliminate unwelcome odours.  That’s why we have ensured that our Bladder Care pad has a super-absorbent core containing hydrogels. Swedish made in a zero landfill waste factory, these pads quickly absorb liquids and turn them into a gel, trapping odours and keeping skin dry. So whether your use it for escapees, or for your period, or for anything in-between, our Bladder Care pads will have you covered!

Finally, while we have designed our Bladder Care pads to ensure that our customers feel confidently protected,  we are aware that some types of bladder incontinence can be helped using pelvic floor and Kegel exercises. Consequently, we would always encourage any of our customers who are suffering with bladder discomfort to speak to their GP about their concerns.